Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day Party at Crew 513 Fundraiser

Our son Steven is an Eagle Scout, and he's still involved with the Venture Crew. The kids do a fundraiser for Valentine's Day, a dinner and dance for parents and supports. Nice job this year! Here's John and I being photographed in their beach chair/cruise theme set.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Knit Club Today

Photos from Knit Club - first, Tiffany, Barbara's grandaughter, holding the handknit hedgehog that Pat Tittizer made. It's felted so that it's plump back with the furry yarn is super furry.

Monday, February 9, 2009

More free patterns on Knit Natters Site

Last night, I tried out some stretchy yarn I bought from Webs and found that the 72-needle cylinder just won’t take it. This stuff is too thick, but it sure is lovely. I think it will do well on the Gearhart 30/60 machine. That’ll be interesting.

I also knitted a pair of Knit Picks in their hot pink. I have tried a great many sock yarns, but I like Knit Picks wool/nylon the best.

Yesterday’s big accomplishment was redoing the home page on the website ( and then putting up Pat Tittizer’s patterns for the wheelchair blanket and the hexagon afghan, plus her techniques for thread lace and Swedish weaving. The wheelchair blanket is practical, just the right size, with a pocket in the middle, and as I recall, made from any worsted weight yarn.
The Swedish weaving is very pretty. I must have missed that demo, but looking at the photo, I just love the way it looks. I haven’t decided what I might make with it yet. Everything Pat teaches is very intelligently planned. Her thread lace demo was great; she brought along quite a few projects where she’d used it.

John Grady got me a copy of Microsoft Front Page. Using MS Word to do website was not an easy thing, and I shared with him my frustration with the project, so this was his solution. I can’t seem to get hits from the search sites with my Word pages.

Front Page is easy to use! I got the new home page for done very quickly, and then started converting Pat’s patterns from Word to web pages. It loads much faster. It looks about the same. I didn’t want a new look. I wanted to clean up the home page so it loads faster and be able to update the site efficiently.

One of these days, I’d like to make Pat’s hexagon afghan. Wouldn’t it be cute kid-sized in leftover sock yarn? Gosh, I have a great many colors of leftover sock yarn…

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Knit Finishing

I’ve been sitting in the den in the evenings sewing up everything in the basket. It’s mostly socks from my various experiments, but if I take my time, pick up dropped stitches and the like, they’re fine. I sit there and keep John Grady company . It keeps me from snacking, too.