Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Another Great Post from Ozlorna

This wonderful article is about the 20-stitch multiple transfer tools from the Netherlands.

One of my friends tried these and had difficulties with them not being smooth.  Ozlorna, being the ingenious person she is, has tacked the problem.  Have a read!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day & New Video

I've had a lovely Mother's Day, and I hope you have, too.  I'm happy when my boys are fine, and I'm freaked out when they're not.   My kids are fine, and it really was a lovely day.

I always think about my wonderful, late mother.  She was an incredible person, and I was so lucky to have a mom like her.

There's a new video for May!  I should have posted about this before, because this video has been up a few days.  The May video is THE classic ribbing bind-off - Smiles and Frowns, done in the usual way with circular waste knitting (later, I've got a lesson with another way to sew it, but that's later). It's going to be the next video up, and circular sock machine knitters, that one's especially for you.

If you don't use this bind-off, come on, try it.  It isn't too hard to learn, and you'll find lots of uses for it.  It's stretchy, looks great, and matches the typical cast-on.