Sunday, January 11, 2009

Greet Charity Knitting Patterns

I am active in the Austin, Texas machine knitting guild The Knit Natters, A few of us take care of the program, and Barbara Deike does the hostess work, as well as doing almost all the Passap programs. We decided that charity knitting will be the Knit Natters club theme this year.

Barbara made a notebook for each of our regular Knit Natters with plastic sleeves and charity knitting patterns. I have put a bunch of my free patterns for charity knitting up at the club website. She also asked us to find favorites of ours and make copies for the notebooks.

I have found that quite a few other people write free charity patterns and post them on the web. There are terrific preemie patterns available at
Lots of fun patterns at our neighboring knit club (Dallas/Ft. Worth)

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