Saturday, December 12, 2009

Circular Swirl Baby Blanket - A Variation

Jimmy Vaughn gave me permission to put up this photo of the Circular Baby Blanket. This one is larger than normal for an older child. You can do this - just knit more stitches. And, there are two sections of each color for a whole different effect!

Jimmy's blanket makes me think of the circus.


  1. This is more like what I want to do. The baby is now 6 months old and I would like the swirl blanket to be able to be used longer. Can you share just how many stitches can be safely added and still be able to lay it flat with out puckering? I have even wondered if more sections could be safely added. Please advise me about this quest. I have searched and although there is a pin wheel that is large I haven't been able to find directions for the making. Jimmy's looks like what I want. Thank you for any counsel you might be able to give me. Thank you, Ginny Syvertson

  2. I saw this on when it was posted on the Yahoo group and really enjoyed it. Thank for posting it for all to enjoy.

  3. You can make it as big as you want, and it won't change the basic geometry; it increases toward the edge at the same rate. 9 or 10 segments will lie flat.
