Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Knit Natters Meeting Saturday

Yes, we're having our regular monthly meeting this Saturday!

It's at Barbara's house. She's planning a Passap demo and I'm planning to show the Shadow Lace tool as a way to move ribber stitches up to the main bed and back to the ribber.

Email me for more details if you are interested in attending.

That's Sara hiding behind her fantastic University of Texas afghan a couple meetings ago. The Longhorns are at the Rose Bowl tomorrow - Hook 'em!


  1. Wow! i LOVE LOVE LOVE that afghan. Do you know where I could get the pattern?

  2. Isn't Sara talented! Sara made it up for her own hand knitted project. She can't publish a pattern because everything Longhorn is licensed.

    I think she got the football helmets from some other pattern and drew her horn shape. She also said that it was difficult to find burnt orange yarn and she had to resort to buying the orange yarn in one brand and the black and white in another.
