Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Film Studio & Knitting Area

As Steven got on his way with college, little by little I cleaned out his old room and made it into a guest room. It still has some Steven flavor, with a print of the famous ice hockey picture, "The Crease," over the bed.

Steve didn't mind my getting more use out of his old room, but neither he nor his older brother likes to sleep in there when they are home. They prefer the other bedroom where their stuff lives. Their junk is good stuff, you know? Giant stereo speakers, video games, piles of oddball boy objects, and their familiar old twin beds.

This guest room has the best light in the house and is also the quietest spot in the house. Saturday morning, John and I moved the bulky machine in there. I'm filming on the bulky these days. On the left you see the mirrored closet doors and the tripod, and in the foreground, my faithful Brother 270 bulky. And, there's still room for guests. For guests, I can clean up and put away the small knitting items and the camera equipment.

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