Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ooh, Ooh, I'm so excited, I'm getting a NZAK!

Huh, you normal people ask - what's an NZAK?

That stands for New Zealand Auto Knitter, which is a newly manufactured circular sock machine.

This is a little goofy of me. After all, I just sold my Gearhart because I said I was going to trim down to one sock machine, my faithful ancient Legare. My Legare makes wonderful 54 and 72 stitch socks.

But every time I see one of these NZAKs for sale, I get excited and tempted all over again. My husband listens patiently to me carrying on about these things, and when I saw yet another ad, and he said I ought to get one. Actually, John thinks CSMs are fascinating, and has helped me get three antique ones cleaned, lubed, and working properly. This new baby is on it's way soon! He said I have to sell something, and I agree completely. We plan to downsize on down the road. I ran an ad for a Passap E6000 that I bought just as a spare but haven't touched.

When the new toy arrives, I will take pictures and maybe make a video. Not that there aren't already terrific CSM videos, but I have a lot of people who look at my knitting videos and might find this quite interesting and different.

Oh, BTW, an update on my garter bar course: Half of it is filmed and edited. Now I have to edit the second half. I added some lessons, and want to film one more, a specific lesson on the V-neck neckband.

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