Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Fun

John and I were taking sock pictures for the instruction booklet cover today, and having a good time with it. This is a photo where I was thinking "earrings!" as I held up a pair of little socks. The one going on the cover is even goofier, with the Kool-Aid socks on my hands like sock puppets. We weren't in a serious mood, I guess. That basket has lots and lots of handmade socks, but they don't show up the way I hoped.

We had a fantastic Knit Natters meeting today with ten people present, including Bea and Margaret all the way from San Antonio, and Sylvia and her daughter Jessica. Sylvia finally had a second Saturday off! Bea and Margaret are always a treat, and Bea had brought a big bag of things she had knitted on her Passap. Margaret said she hadn't brought anything for "show and tell" but she was wearing an absolutely beautiful garter carriage sweater. Mildred had a whole pile of projects along, and Sara and Pat are hand knitting up a storm. Barbara is still working on the many wazoos for the troops and then she starts on helmet liners.

There were a lot of great projects, but my battery on the pocket camera was low. Tiffany and Sylvia pulled out their cameras and there will hopefully be good photos emailed to me later. Barbara did a demonstration on drop lace on the Passap, and I did a demonstration on Shadow Lace, which is a Studio technique, only on the Brother. There were a lot of similarities in our demonstrations, but we hadn't coordinated. We just stumbled onto the same page somehow.

Knit Natters will not be meeting in February, and Barbara has lined up a ceramic painting demo in March. While we're officially a machine knitting club, we do like to change things up when we get the chance.

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