Sunday, February 7, 2010

Now Available: Garter Bar Course

The two-DVD garter bar course is available now!

It has 18 lessons, all freshly filmed in 1080p for high-definition clarity, which include:
  • Adjusting and using the stopper
  • Using the garter bar as a stitch holder
  • Decrease evenly across a row of knitting (two methods)
  • Increase evenly across a row of knitting
  • Simple method to calculate and place those increases or decreases
  • Making garter stitch efficiently
  • Quaker stitch, which is unusual and easy to do
  • Turning simple cables fast with the garter bar
  • Moving only the desired stitches with the garter bar, while all the other stitches stay securely in place inside the machine's needle hooks
  • Fancy cables using the machine's patterning (needle selection) capability
  • Eyelets and hand-manipulated lace
  • Fancy lace using machine's patterning capability
  • "Parking" stitches to knit later when dividing and knitting a neckline (no waste yarn, no marking from needles being in hold, no tedious rehanging)
  • Getting all the stitches back into the hooks quickly
  • Speed ripping - pull out a whole row of knitting in a single tug!
  • Mitered, folded Vee neckband
  • Gathering a ruffle
  • Vertical weaving
Have you got a garter bar you hardly ever use? Probably the most useful but underutilized machine knitting accessory, the garter bar can make your knitting more efficient and enjoyable. It can be used for stitches and techniques you thought were impractical on a machine - for instance, the garter bar can make hand-tooling lace accurate and efficient on a machine with no lace capability. There are eighteen lessons on two DVDs, great for your own reference, and great demonstrations for knit clubs or students. Packaged in a slimline double-DVD case, $25 plus shipping.

Shipping costs: US, first class mail, $3 for 1 or 2 items, $4 for 3 or more copies. Priority Mail 1-4 items, $4.90, 5 and up $8. Very reasonable overseas rates.


  1. Hi! I just bought the GB course. I am so excited!! I can't wait to get them. Thx sooo much for all the things that you do for MK. I would never have been able to learn all these things without you. I have watched your You Tube videos & am more than willing to pay just to have my own copies that I can watch while at my machine. Sheryl

  2. I would love to find a garter bar for my SK160 midgauge machine. do you know if any were made for the midgauge, and if so, where can I get one? or, do you know where I can get instructions for making one?
    thanks -- Susan at

  3. At one time, they were manufactured, but I believe nobody is making them now.

    You might try setting up an automatic search on eBay and running ads on the machine knitting For Sale lists.

    The Bond knitters made some with hairpins. I don't know how they are to use, and haven't tried it, but I've read instructions on how to make one, below:

  4. If you search garter bar on the Internet you will find instructions for making one out of scunchi stretchy hair pieces, very clever and you can make it for any size machine, I'm going to try it.
