Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Knit Natters Meeting Saturday

Knit Natters met on Saturday at Sylvia's house.  I'm having a hard time getting photos up and aligned in any kind of tidy way - but here's the club report.

Barbara told us about her experience attending the impressive ceremony that Ft. Hood holds for soldiers returning from Iraq.  She had gone to welcome her son-in-law home from a deployment.

Pat brought a beautiful shawl (see the closeup) and she was making a very pretty handknit pinwheel project.  She also showed us how her vest was made.

I had my scarves (all over me) and my Entrelac tote (DVD coming, kids).  I did a circular swirl demo on Sylvia's Toyota.

Mary had handspun yarn made from her alpacas.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diana, I would like also to live over there
    to participate of these mittings, I think that is a good idea! kisses to everyone.
    Sorry for the mistakes in english.

    Trico à Máquina
