Sunday, June 13, 2010

Knit Natters Meeting Saturday

Knit Natters met Saturday afternoon.  It was a small group - we had some unable to come because of work and other obligations.  Barbara, Mildred, Dolores and I were there.

I showed the lace socks that I photographed for the blog yesterday morning.  Barbara had a really interesting Passap demo.  She had been trying to find a good use for a crimped dress yarn, and one sample after another was a disappointment.  She lit on the idea of making crisp pleats using the double bed, and had knitted some samples - a box pleat and a one-way pleat.  Barbara killed one of the samples, that is, she steamed all life out of it, and it was really nice killed.  It had a crisp, slinky drape.  She's going to knit some pleated skirts, and fortunately, the yarn is in good colors for pleated skirts - dark royal, red, and black.

Mildred Beeson has been sewing and crocheting like crazy for the senior center, and we didn't get to see the results, as they're all over at the center.  One of the things she did was a big outdoor setee cushion with a set-in zipper in a cover made of leftover vinyl tablecloth.  Mildred's son cut a 4" foam mattress with an electric knife to size, and then Mildred built the cover.  Mildred, in her mid-90s, is an amazing person.

Barbara's been knitting for the troops, and Mildred's been sewing for them.

Another thing Barbara showed us was her terrific porcelain mold acquisition.  Barbara makes porcelain dolls, and she knows somebody who knew somebody - bottom line, she's been able to get a lot of new molds for very large dolls.

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