Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting Ready for Houston Seminar - Final Lap

I'm teaching in Houston at the Space City Knitters August 27 and 28 (still room, if you want to go) and I'm finishing my preparations.  I figure that with really careful planning, the seminar will be a lot more valuable for the participants and fun for me.

I took the list of techniques the members voted on seeing and split them into two groups - the ones to do on the bulky machine and the ones to do on the standard machine.  Then I arranged them in "most requested" order and logical groups, then wrote the handouts, figuring we'll do as many bulky ones as possible on Friday and as many standard ones as we can on Saturday.  The handouts have a fair description of how to do each thing, and make a nice bound book that all participants receive.  Of course, I had to choose a sample lace edging and other sample patterns to include in the handouts.  I had a lot of fun drawing the kitchener and duplicate stitch artist, I'm not, but they turned out okay.


Can you guess how I did this artwork for my handouts?  Hint involves a computer...Hint #2...I'm an accountant.  NO!  I did NOT use Turbotax!

I'll send a book/DVD combo to the first person to guess correctly what software I used to do this drawing.  Email me at diana_knits *at* or guess in the comments.  If you win, I'm going to need you to email me your mailing address and your product choice.

I selling my books and videos at the seminar, and my wonderful friend helping cashier.  I hope she really enjoys the seminar.  John is coming and doing some Passap E6000 battery replacements for the Space City Knitters members.

I have to inventory and remember all the assorted tools and samples to take along.  I am still working on the small knitted squares for the Kitchener and duplicate stitch practice (I intend for everyone to be able to stitch her own sample, if she wants.)


  1. hi dianna is the brother 891 knitting machine a good one are the bother machines better than the silver reed/studio machines because i see alot of people using brother machines and does it take the kr850 ribber.

  2. 891 is a nice machine. I don't know which ribber it takes.

    Silver/Studio Reed also makes good machines. I think much of the popularity of Brother is related to the Brother garter carriage, an unusual accessory that the other companies didn't make.


  3. It was Excel, and Angela won the contest, guessing almost immediately.

    I mailed her Enchanted Edgings!


  4. (giggle). what else would an accountant use?

  5. How? are there instructions somewhere? curious minds want to really really know :)
