Saturday, October 23, 2010

Upcoming Seminar in Dallas

On November 7 and 8th, I'm teaching for two days at the DFW Machine Knitting Guild.  As of today, they do have some spaces left.

Want to come?  Here's their seminar site  where you can get more information and sign up.  Heck, I enjoy visiting the DFW Machine Knitters Guild website anyway, just to see what they're knitting!

This is going to be an excellent two days.  For starters, the DFW group has a lot of energy, activity and knitters.  The location at Stacy's Furniture (near the DFW airport) is spacious, light, and comfortable, and I already know from past DFW seminar experience that food and fun will abound.

So that we could decide on the best order of events, the DFW guild members filled out a survey for me, indicating which things they want to see demonstrated.  There is some overlap with what I taught in Houston, and some of it is entirely different.
DFW Handout Booklet

The class handouts are printed, and I'm very pleased with how they turned out.  The 26-page book certainly has more information than I can cover in class, but I do as much as I can, and the rest is just nice to take home from seminar.  My hope doing these detailed handouts make it easier to try techniques later and relieve a lot of the note-taking work.

At the seminar, my husband John  is replacing some Passap E6000 batteries and putting in some Passap chips.  He does this while I'm busy teaching.  If you are attending and need a battery replacement or a chipset upgrade, email me at diana_knits "at" sbcglobal "dot" net, and I'll get you on the list.   I'll want to know what you need, but at the link you can read all about Passap batteries and chips.

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