Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 3 of Christmas Prep Staycation

My Christmas prep yesterday was mainly to wrap presents.

I did get to knit!  I knitted two cast-on rags and filmed the second - the first idea had pockets instead of a regular hem, and it didn't work out for a video.  I was going to put the pockets in place using sew-as-you-go, but it was difficult on the USM, whose needles won't stay in upper working position, and even though I got it done, I decided it would have been much easier to just sew up pockets.  So think about that - you knit a square with a finished cast-on and bind-off, and you fold up the bottom and make a few seams for pockets.  The pockets are to hold weights.

I was really happy with the video, because I got a chance to demo ravel cord, hems, and another cast-off.  This is a good one if you're a USM beginner.

I also knitted the beautiful orange and white yarn I found at Tuesday morning into a scarf.

I have a shortage of yarn for something, and am being "creative," making a triangle shawl and then I'm going to try fun fur to go all the way around and make it bigger with velvety edges.  I hope this turns out; and if it does, it'll be a pattern.  But I didn't film the work because it's black and not all figured out.  Triangle shawls are problematic on the knitting machine since they generally need to be bigger in some dimension than the width of the needles.  Y'all would be shocked at how many attempts are invested in my pattern ideas before I think something is good enough for you.

Got ready for the Knit Natters annual Christmas party later today.  We always have a gift exchange, and I made that item.  Can't say more yet..  So I did that, and picked out some simple friend gifts to take along.  I am leaning toward bringing a veggie tray since I know there'll be sweets.

I helped hubby John fix the couch.  It's one of those reclining ones with the footrests, and it broke - I bent a part - when I was leaning it back.. John acquired a part for it, but he set it aside  and bent it straight, which actually lasted until this week, when I bent it again (It's on my spot, you see).  So I helped him tip it over and he took it apart.  There was our couch, upside-down in pieces looking like rubble, and he removed these evil steel things that looked like torture instruments.  My job was to hold these awkward gizmos while he took out the old ones and put in the new ones.  Good as new!

At the end of the day I thought I should have gotten more done, but to actually knit and film a video in the same day is very unusual, and I got to knit, so this was another good one.  I am definitely glad I am using my precious vacation time in this way.

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