Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Staycation Day 6 - Monday

I filled orders.  I have a holiday special going, a free DVD of gift projects with any purchase, so we packed up the weekend's orders, along with some family gifts (nice knitted items) and some more Christmas cards, and headed for the Post Office.  We went for a glamorous lunch at Burger King, chicken sandwiches and apple slices, then stopped at Hobby Lobby for yarn for the sport weight tam.  Ran a couple errands besides that and came home.

I finished the light blue variegated tam.  We took out the Brother 230 and ribber that was given to me to sell for charity and had a good look; did an inventory and decided that since it needs a sponge bar and a few parts, which will have to wait until after the holidays.  Anybody want a good old 230?  There's a Knitmaster 323, too, also with a ribber.

Spent some time hunting for a couple of hard-to-buy gifts for the kids.

Knitted a tam out of Paton's Lace but still haven't figured out the sport weight version..  Went through the knitted goodies for John's mom and sister, but haven't packed the box yet as there's an item I'd like to add.  John's mom is 85 and going strong.  She likes to walk early in the mornings when it's cool, and she likes the hats and light knitted scarves.  A few years ago I knitted her a cloche, didn't even keep notes, and I probably need to devise a new cloche as hers is worn out.  She also likes the tams I knit.

My friend came over in the evening and sewed the rest of her napkins.

I made one of my lazy cook's dinners - poached salmon and veggies.

Knitted the Paton's Lace tam.  I listen to my Kindle read books to me while I sew up knitted items, and yesterday I finished the Lee Strobel book, The Case for Christmas.

Today, Tuesday is my last vacation day, but I'm not exactly going to suffer.  In the first place, I like my job, and in the second place, there are holidays in each of the next two weeks!  When January comes and I have to work five whole days in a row, it will be quite an adjustment!  Accounting is seasonal, and in January, we'll be frantically working on year-end close, which is always interesting.

I have a general rule, even on weekdays, to try to knit at least a little while.  This is how I get so many socks done - if I can find 25 minutes or so, I can crank a sock on the CSM.  This is also why I do so many small projects. If I'm really tired, I can always hand knit.  I have piles of hand knitted dishcloths in my finished items bins; I not only had some tired evenings this year, but I bought cotton yarn on cones and kept knitting away, trying to use it all.  I love to knit the two-needle round ones and make up new ones.


  1. Hi Diana, Couldn't find your email, so I'm using your comment post to ask this. I am thinking about using your lined slipper pattern to make a felted slipper. Ever done it, or know of anyone who has? I will, of course use a gauge swatch to felt first, and then use that to approximate the size. I just wonder if it will felt properly. I've never made the felted slippers before.

    Happy Holidays, as always, I love your posts!

  2. Tanya, my email is diana_knits "at" sbcglobal "dot" net.

    Yes, I think it will make a great felted slipper. I would put it together before felting, as the two layers will probably felt together, which isn't a bad thing.
