Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best Blog Posts of 2010

Wow, I worked hard on the MK blog in 2010! I've combed through a year of posts and picked out the ones that I think are the best, don't miss posts on machine knitting:

January -

Links to Beginner Lessons
Sew As You Go Sock
Published my Sock Book and DVD

February -

Burgundy Mohair Tucked Rib Scarf
Shadow Lace (Jaws) Tool Video
Smart Swatches essay
Published my Garter Bar Course in two DVDs

March -

How to Get More Machine Knitting Done While Having More Fun
Rick Rack Ribber Scarf Video
Short-Rowed Baby Hat Video (People love this project; I get emails about it all the time)

April -

Published my Entrelac Book & DVD

May -

Published Beautiful Ribber Scarves Book & DVD

July -

Published Enchanted Edgings Book & DVD
Video Showing How Edgings Are Done
Wriggle Lace Scarf instructions

August -

Wrote about my seminar at Space City Knitters

September -

Recap of essays about Starting Machine Knitting
Essay on Problems Casting On
Another most popular video Machine Knitting a Tam

October -

Fern Lace Demo
Passap Chip Information (Okay, John wrote most of this!)
Hand knit pattern Star Flower Dishcloth Didya know I have almost got a HK book finished?
Video:  Knit a Hair Scrunchie with Youngest Knit Natter
What to do about an old, idle machine

November -

Hat video, Ultimate Sweater Machine
Scarf video, Ultimate Sweater Machine
Report on Dallas Seminar

December -

Mitten video, Ultimate Sweater Machine
Tam video, Ultimate Sweater Machine

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