Sunday, May 1, 2011

Honey, I'm Home! ...and Follow-ups and Links

Home, unpacked, organized, and debriefed by hubby.  What a fantastic weekend it was!  Thank you, Colorado machine knitters!  I feel utterly blessed to get to travel and teach.

I was talking about Kris Basta's nice garter bars being available in several sizes that up 'til now were nearly impossible to find.   Here's the link to Kris' page:

And, I was telling the Colorado knitters about the one US-published machine knitting magazine, which you can read about here:

I challenged a couple of new knitting machine owners to just work my beginner videos, one at a time, 10 minutes of learning at a time, for about a month to become experienced knitters.  Look here:

Yes, I know I need to redo those beginner lessons in hi-def and knowing everything I know now, and they're a little funky on our old, noisy camcorder, but utterly free and I promise that if you watch one and knit one every day, you'll be a competent machine knitter when you finish the lessons.

I realized when I got home that I was behind on emails.  I'll get to you.

Also, as I watch the Knit Natters Yahoo group, it's cool to see a couple of new people whom we haven't met at our Central Texas club meetings yet.  Welcome!  If anyone out there is interested in a machine knitting club in the Austin area, look here:

And very exciting news:  I learned at seminar that a different brand of newly manufactured knitting machines that are equivalent to some of the favorite Brother models are now coming into the United States, absolutely great news, and I met the brand-new dealer in Colorado!  As soon as I get more information, I'll post it.


  1. I'm sorry we live so far away follow you in your lessons Hello Vanda

  2. Thanks so much for sharing and for putting so much work into your blog! It's inspirational and so helpful to those of us that are beginners!

  3. Hi Diana
    You mentioned a newly manufactured machine coming into the U.S. I am wondering if it is the 'Taitexma', made in China. Peter Smith in Toronto has been selling that brand for a few years; I have seen it on his site. He calls it a 'brother copy'.

    He seems to have only one today, but I think I have seen other models before. Will it be better quality than the Artisan?
    Jo Ann

  4. It is the Taitexma, and I haven't seen one yet. I know they've been importing them into Canada, but I haven't seen one yet. I am hoping that the quality is actually comparable to the Brother machines, which were very good quality.

    Sharron couldn't tell me too much as her first machines were just arriving and she hadn't seen them herself yet.
