Saturday, June 11, 2011

Demonstrations - Give Me Ideas?

Have y'all seen the movie "Calendar Girls," where the story begins with a group of ladies who just need one more presentation for their club?  Their last talk was on broccoli, I think, and they were bored silly but still had no idea what else to do for a program.

Well, as prolific as I am, believe it or not, I really struggle with what to demonstrate next at Knit Natters.  Of course, I've done most of my machine knitting demos I do on YouTube or in my books at club, and lots of other stuff, too.  Should I recycle?  Our club as a lot of new people.

I'm not the only one demonstrating, but I demo often and want to keep it interesting.  I need a demo for next week.

Please comment and tell me about some of your favorite demos you've watched or done.  Also, what's your opinion about recycling demonstrations?

Oh, and off topic, Blogger is driving me nuts with constantly giving an error message instead of publishing a post of comment or whatever I ask it to do.  Maybe I'll have to wander over to Word Press...hate to move my blog.  I just wish they'd FIX IT already!


  1. I'm seriously thinking of moving mine to Wordpress, I keep thinking what if Blogger goes down one day and doesn't come back - what will happen to our blogs? I have actually exported all my posts to a new Wordpress blog, just in case, but I haven't made it public. Hopefully I won't have to.

  2. Mmm, this is exactly what I'm worried about, Susan. Blogger is a Google enterprise; I wonder who Wordpress belongs to.

  3. Diana, how 'bout demonstrating a good method of joining a collar or the top of a sock? I have seen many, many photos (and even in KM books) of such items joined incorrectly. I have seen one side slightly higher than the other or where the seam is pulling the edge down making a "v" instead of a smooth circle.

    Also, how to knit stripes when circular machine knitting (with the double bed color changer would be awesome)?

    Las Vegas

  4. Hi Diana! I would like a demo on how to knit in a name. For example, on a hat. Or in front of a shirt. Thanks from Marie in Sweden

  5. OK now you both have me anxious about Blogger!
    If you export all your posts to a new Wordpress blog, how do you keep it public and does Wordpress redirect automatically if you need to switch some day?
    I've had some problems getting into my Blogger lately, and reading and commenting on other blogs as well.
    I'm fine for now, but I'd hate to loose my project notes and the blog is the only place I have them.

    As for recycling old topics, Diana, good information never looses it's appeal. It's even more relevant second time around as you absorb more, and for any new members, it could be just what they needed.

  6. I went to Word Press, set up a blog and imported everything from here. That's not going to be "home" unless Blogger really goes down. However, it struck me that Susan has the right idea. I couldn't afford to lose over 700 posts, some of which are very detailed, so now they're saved elsewhere.

  7. I would love to know just how my electronics work on my KH930. I don't understand the manual, and I am a very visual learner. I feel like there is sooooo much more I could be doing with my machine but I just don't understand any of it. It is always beeping at me. LOL

  8. Can't you just download your blog & template to your hard drive. That is what I did. Blogger recommends doing this every so often.

  9. Diana, I love the sock work, I never get enough sock demos, yours are some of the best I have seen. I am thinking of trying the toe up method. I have knitted them by hand and I love the star or swirl toe. I wonder if it could be done on the knitters. Linda

  10. I would really appreciate to see a good demonstration on taking measures to fit e.g. a jumper or a cardigan. Also, demonstrations on how to calculate patterns for different types of sleeves to fit the measures.
