Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ozlorna's Knitting Blog: Loz's Slip Stitch Heel Flap Socks

Ozlorna has a lesson for us on doing a slip stitch (reinforced) heel flap sock on the knitting machine.

If you're not following her blog, you should be!

Ozlorna's Knitting Blog: Loz's Slip Stitch Heel Flap Socks


  1. I would really like to see a vid of this - Diana!!!
    I couldn't follow directions. Know I would be able to do it with a vid for support.
    ALSO: As the last pic showed - it is possible to flatten the heel with weights. This makes latching up the heel flap for a workman's ribbed heel (strong and cushiony) easier to do than one would think. I used homemade mini weights at the base of each latch-up to identify where to begin and to hold the place, prior to unravelling. The mini weight is a plastic-coated paper clip (nail polished tips) attached to a $1 Store pic-nic table cloth weight (strawberries and corn on the cobs - cute :-)
    Shine ON*
    P.S. How about it Diana - Ozlorna's technique deserves a vid

  2. Maybe someday...but I confess, it would just be something to do that's different for me. I have done heel variations, but am actually am one of those weirdos who prefers ordinary short-rowed sock heels.

  3. Dear, Anon, I'd have answered you directly if I could. However, I have prepared a more detailed PDF version and put it as a Ravelry download.

    The easiest thing to do is - Cast on, and work though it, it isn't at all hard if you've hand knit them.

    Lorna, aka Ozlorna
