Sunday, July 24, 2011


Things are crazy right now - a terribly busy weekend, and yet, I'm continuing with knitting as therapy.

I only had a few minutes this evening as John was busy on the computer (which I have dibs on next for video editing) and I sat down and knitted this scarf on the ribber.  It's for the troops - I know this is rose colored, but some of our soldiers are ladies, and I had lots of rose in light worsted yarn.  Now we're going for warm patterns, folks, and this long scarf is quite warm.  An odd thing to work on in Texas 103 degree heat!

I did a circular cast-on and a smiles-and-frowns bind-off.  I'll write out a pattern later.

This might work rather well in a sport yarn, too.  This one took 6 ounces, but it would certainly take more in a thicker worsted yarn with less yards-per-pound.  It was T5 on a bulky in a racked ribber arrangement.

The pattern stitch only shows to advantage if you block it gently horizontally.  You don't want to kill it, just spread it a little so the waves show, and steam lightly.  If you don't block it at all, it just looks like slightly irregular 3x1 ribbing.

Fun, huh?  I have other plans for this stitch (rubbing my hands together).

In my never-ending quest for ways to photograph knits, I conscripted a chair for a scarf model.  I wanted to show the overall dimensions of  the scarf.

Gotta run - Time to cook dinner!

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