Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lagniappe - Something Extra For My Customers

I love this Cajun word:

lagniappe - An extra or unexpected gift or benefit.

Pronounce - Lan - yap.  But, according to the sometimes wise internet, it was adopted from a Spanish phrase; interesting - so much Cajun language comes from the French.

Nope, I'm not from Louisianna.  I lived there for a while, as a young military brat, and I've visited...isn't it wonderful the different "worlds" we have just a few hours away!

What's more, as a friend, or as an employee, and as a businesswoman, I like to operate by it.  I have my funky little home-based side business where I sell MK disks and books, make friends and teach knitting, and I hope to always give you some sort of positive surprise.  I might upgrade the shipping, I might tuck something in the package, I might ship before payment clears...and I haven't ever been sorry yet.

And, when something goes wrong in a transaction, like the item I mailed to West Australia that wandered back to Texas in about 8 weeks, long after I'd replaced it, you'll know I'm trying to give good service.  'Cause I'm not perfect, and stuff happens.
I need to run another little lagniappe special and clear some extras that are sitting around here and y'all might enjoy. I have some Chicago seminar books left, some Knit Natter seminar books, some of my old "Easy Machine Knit Gift" DVDs, and a heap of vinyl covered measuring tapes.  I just have a few books - this is while they last. 

Let me know what you'd like included with your order - one item for each item you order, up to 4 because I have four freebies...and while they last, this will give me a chance to give you the item you prefer.
When you order at, put a note on the PayPal letting me know what you'd like, or send an email to diana_knits "at" sbcglobal "dot" net.  If I don't know, I'll do the books first, then the DVDs and measuring tapes.

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