Saturday, October 8, 2011

Liveblogging Austin Seminar Day 2

Good morning!  7:50 a.m., everyone's having breakfast in the other room, and I'm showing Sylvia Moore how to blog for me, since I'm going to be the first demonstrator. -Diana

Some pix of yesterday's fun from Sylvia's camera:

Diana's turn to demo the garter bar.
Everyone is watching closely and listening carefully.  Learning?  Of course.

Rose is our first brave volunteer.  She did great.

Now Pat will demo weaving.

Pat does truly beautiful work.  Well, she makes it look like fun.

She has our attention.

Pat answers our questions. And we have many.

Pat's woven coat sure looks great on Diana.

Now on to thread lace techniques.

Now that we are back from lunch and really stuffed, Diana will show us how to make a sock on the Passap.

This is indeed a sock and not a mitten.

First we knit the toe.

And here we go.

Diana explains everything very clearly.

For the sake of time Diana knitted only half the number of rows.  Look at the tiny little sock. 
                                                            Ain't we got fun!!!

Our turn to learn how to stitch the seams.  Kitchener, mattress, and smiles and frowns.

Pat explains how to make and use "plarn".

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