Sunday, October 2, 2011

Seminar Preparations

I'm doing my pieces of the Austin seminar prep.  For starters, the compilation of the instructions for the handout booklet is coming along.  I have a 17-page booklet so far, and it'll be longer when Barbara gives me her last handout and Pat sends hers along.

We're having a swap meet, as well.  I've cleaned, lubricated, replaced sponge bars, and printed and bound all the manuals for two used machines (with ribbers) that I am selling for a lady.  The proceeds go to charity.  There's a Brother 230 with ribber and a Knitmaster (Silver Reed) 323 with ribber. 

I am also cleaning some things of my own out, a Jiffy steamer and some other items.  They need to go cheap and get our of my crowded house and into the hands of someone who will use them. 

We're having door prizes, so I have a big pile, including one of each of my books and DVDs, that I'm donating to the cause.  I may bring some yarn, too, and some other gadgets and duplicate books, if I can find time to go through those shelves.

I have worked on my Passap sock demo and plan to knit a couple more socks this afternoon to make sure the instructions are as close to perfect as I can get them.

We have quite a few people coming, more than we usually have for our club.  I think we still have space, but Barbara is the registrar and she has the names and headcount.   

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