Saturday, December 10, 2011

Crazy for Christmas

There's a moment during the holidays when the pressure hits me - Bam!  Zap!  Pow! Biff!  Just another mom felled by Christmas pressure.  But I'm doing well this year, with my strategies of online shopping plus taking vacation hours to get things done.

I'm not one of those folks who plans 'way ahead.  If I do, by the time I get to the holidays, I don't think the gifts are good enough any more.  I am not a confident gift-giver; I'm downright neurotic about it. One person I know thinks everything she gave anyone is absolutely wonderful, even if it's totally lame, and nobody tells her differently.  I wish I were more like her.  Instead, I think stupid thoughts like, will he ever wear it?  Is that really a color she likes?  Doesn't she have enough fragrance?  Will he think I didn't make an effort if I send a gift card?

My father-in-law, whom I still miss terribly after 22 years, used to grin at me and say, "Buy them something they don't want and don't need." 

Some of my friends follow another strategy - keep some boxes of chocolate on hand in case old friends drop by.  In case of a serious emergency, unwrap and eat the chocolate.

We also have several birthdays and our anniversary this month, before Christmas.

Last week, I sat down one evening and ordered all the out-of-state gifts (I have a pretty good list to do), drop shipping from Amazon.  I already had Amazon Prime so I'd get the free fast shipping, and I have their blog deal where I get a little commission on items purchased through the blog.  The last couple of years, I've purchased books, gift baskets, garden goodies, small electronics (well, Kindles - I'm a Kindle lover, which is how I turned into an Amazon nut), toys, and so forth from Amazon.  Amazon even has yarn.  I got all the out-of-state packages ordered in one evening, and they even have gift wrap available for many items.  I would put some photo of the really cute items I found for my sibs, if only I were sure they didn't read the blog.

John and I also took yesterday afternoon off (vacation time) and shopped for each other, purchasing practical things that I'll wrap up.  As of now, I've got gifts purchased except for two people, and I have a plan for those.

Earlier this week, my John had a sore throat and fever, my colleague at work fought it all week, and two other co-workers were fighting a nasty sore throat earlier on.  Several Knit Natters members have begged off today's party because they aren't feeling well.  I haven't actually gotten sick, but I was feeling off and tired, so I deliberately got some extra sleep this week.

I whipped up a gift last night (not my pattern, one from Rocking Horse Farms), but I can't put the photo up until after the Knit Natters party and Christmas exchange.  I am also bringing homemade bread, homemade chocolates (super easy recipe), and store-bought tamales to the party. 

I will continue to put easy gift patterns up on the site.  I know they're patterns I've run before, but having knitted all of this myself a number of times, I know which ones are fastest to make, which is what we need this time of year.

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