Thursday, February 9, 2012

Great Tip from Lena O'Brien of Dublin, Ireland

I was reading a post from Pauline on the Passapknits list, and I loved her very clever tip from her mom.  I wrote her and got her permission to share the tip, and since she tells the story so well (yikes, I've been through this almost finished and the yarn is on the floor misery), here it is, in her own words:

"Hi everyone.

I just though I would pass on this pearl of wisdom. Some of you may already know this trick, but it was a revelation to me, courtesy of my Mother.  I was knitting a 2000 row scarf and my yarn broke on 1994 and as it was running on the motor, I was left with the scarf on the floor. This would have been fine if I had been knitting with cotton, but it was a very fine cashmere, in navy. I tried to do a latch tool cast off, but every time I touched a stitch, it ran a row. I was just about to rewind and start again, when my mother called. She had been a machine knitter for years on a brother punchcard when I was a very small child, over 40 years ago. She now looks at my E6000 like it came from outer space. :-) Anyway, her advice is:  Use the wire from your cast on comb to pick up the stitches and cast off from there. 

WOW, it worked a treat.So just in case you have never heard that one.....

Have a great day!


Pauline says that her mom, Lena O'Brien of Dublin, is still her best friend!


  1. Wow! What a GREAT and easy fix. Just so happens I have a UFO in my studio with that issue, mine was caused by my puppy who got into my business as I was finishing 1x1 rib on his sweaters collar.

    If I can stay awake tonight I may try it. Thank you Pauline and Diana,

  2. Oh no! Bad Doggie!! Ain't it grand to have all our issues addressed here?! Thanks again Diana for all the info you pass on about KMs. One year ago, I didn't even know what a KM looked like and now I can do just about anything with your help!

  3. This is a really good tip, Diana. I have used a thin knitting needle to do this, but never thought to use the ribber wire.

    BTW:I just received some ribber wires from Helen G. This is my second order from her. Not because the wires didn't last, but because I loved them so much I wanted other machine knitters to love them too. & gave them away. LOL Sheryl

  4. I agree, Helen's ribber wires are a must-have, and Valentine's Day is coming up.

    I need more of them, having acquired more machines.

  5. I'm looking for machine knitting lessons as I've just bought a Passap Duomatic 80. Does anyone know of a course in the Dublin area ? Or private classes? Any help is very much appreciated.
    Molly Brown
