Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Fling at Knit Knack Shop

Wish you were here...

 I had a little time before and in-between classes to walk around and take some photos at Spring Fling.  There are about 150 knitters here, five teachers, and it's an absolutely fantastic experience for teachers and participants alike. 

One of the things I snapped pictures of today was unusual and fun knits that people were wearing.  I got a big kick out of this Dallas vest.

It's really rather difficult to describe the seminar experience.  I'll try anyway!

Awesome Dallas Sweater
First of all, we were so packed with teachers, knitters, and activity, that I mainly got pictures in between.  The entire time, you're busy - you can look at what other people are knitting, or you can shop, or you can catch up with old friends in between your choice of 5 different classes each hour.  I caught some pictures of the terrific shopping at this seminar.  There are incredible buys at this seminar on some used equipment and slightly difficult-to-find items.  For instance, I spotted garter bars, all kinds of great tools (Susan's are wonderful), all kinds of weights, machines, ribbers, tracers, color changers. 

We five teachers teach quite a wide variety of different things.  I'm teaching my stuff, another teacher, mainly garments, another teacher, knitted art & jewelry, and on and on.  The classes really are widely divergent.  We had good stuff for the most experienced knitters, the newbies, the fashionistas, for everyone.  I can scarcely describe the energy.

Some lucky soul, for instance, snagged a "Jaws" (shadow lace tool) for $20.  Barbara purchased a set of nice bulky ribber covers.  Tomorrow I'll be buying some yarn, books, and a few tools for myself.

There were door prizes, always fun. 

I took a picture before we started classes of the empty room I was going to teach in.  It's a terrific space.  I had a full house for a couple of my classes and I had a nearly full room for others, and with 5 classes going on at once all day, you don't have such big groups in the classes that you can't see or ask questions.

There was a style show, but since I had to go up and talk a little, I failed to snap pix of that.

Well, I need to crash and get ready for another big day tomorrow.  Today, I taught basics, garter bar, advanced garter bar, the favorite bulky projects, and shaped Entrelac, and tomorrow I'll do lace stuff and ribbing!

"My" classroom

My friend Barbara running my "shop"

Just a few of Charlene's Books
Susan Guagliumi

Sandee Cherry's Shopping Area (Sandy facing attendees)

Sandee's Pretty Stuff

Charlene has a new mid-gauge book

Harold's Machine Repair "Workshop"

Just about anything you'd need...

Valeria in her jacket

Lined up for style show

Mary in her jacket

My first class settling in to begin

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like loads of fun. I would have to plan a trip to go to a seminar as I am in Florida and not a lot of MKs around that I have found but I keep plugging. If I hear of another on the easter seaboard like they had in Tenn. I am going to have to go for sure.
