Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Little Knitting - Lilac Bulky Baby Blanket

I need a baby gift for a "civilian" (non-knitting) friend.  It won't spoil her surprise to put it on the blog, since hardly any of my civilian friends read it.

My friends know that I knit, and they generally hope for something hand-made on special occasions, although I have no idea how this gal feels about it.  I hedged my bets by getting something off her baby registry as well.  With baby's sensitive skin in mind, I laundered the blanket with no soap and tumbled it dry, softening it incredibly.  This is just at "Pound of Love Yarn," which I purchased with something else in mind.

I was looking for a rather plain pattern in a thick, soft blanket and made this variation on my old "Luxury Throw."  It's all English rib, and the stripes are English Rib on the front and then English Rib on the back.  This makes it completely reversible, flat, and no gaping holes for baby fingers and toes to catch.

There are lots of projects in my mental hopper, but this weekend was a catch-up weekend after being out of town, and I have non-knitting obligations today.  Isn't it great to squeeze in a little project amid the busy-ness? 


  1. Very pretty! What machine did you make that on?

  2. It is beautiful and looks soft and silky. I am sure the mother and baby will love it.

  3. Love the blanket - I hope the baby does too.

  4. Made on the bulky machine. The soon-to-be-mom loved it. From now on, I'm laundering blankets before I give them - you would not believe how soft it was after machine washing and tumbling dry. No soap. Just a sliver of a dryer sheet.

  5. I love the blanket. I would like to try that on my bulky machine.
