Friday, June 1, 2012

Whose Pattern is This?

Our club is going to have a slipper knit-in for the troops, and as I hunted for pattern ideas, a good friend sent me this pattern, which I tried out in a women's size.  It's doubled, lined, bulky weight, with lots of gathering at the top of the foot, covered by a big pom-pom (I've been at it again with the pom-pom maker).   It fits well and is extremely warm.

I know this pattern has been around for absolutely ages, but who wrote it?  I don't want to share it unless I give proper attribution and get permission.

Please help me identify the mystery slipper pattern!


  1. Those are nice looking slippers. Wish I could help with who made the pattern. :/

  2. Years ago Mary Lou Buccicone had a lined short rowed slipper that looks similar to these.

  3. Hi Diana, Sorry this is not really the best place to put this, but I didn't see an email contact for you. No need to post, or delete if you like. I just wanted to let you know that I am so thrilled with all you've done to help me as a machine knitter, as well as to promote the craft. You have really helped me to improve my skills by leaps and bounds! I have previously purchased your Enchanted Edgings course and your Ribber Scarves course for myself. Now, though I don't need them, I am purchasing your Beginning and Garter Bar courses to share with friends whom I am teaching to machine knit. They should be very helpful.

    Thanks again,

  4. Hi Diana, I´ve seen a pretty similar pattern in Charlene Shafer´s book Mid-Gauge Basics, which I ordered after your detailed information and pictures from your workshop in her gorgous shop. They are called Easy Lined Slippers and they are shortrowed and gathered at the top. Maybe this could help you.

    Many greetings from Gabriele
