Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Free Kindle Books

Laura got me started with this wonderful site:

I go here about once a week and look for great free books for my Kindle.  I have found the most terrific free books; some are free for a long time, and others, for only a day or two.

My routine is to use the options at the top of the page.  First, I filter so I only see the books that are new since my last visit to EReader IQ, and then I sort by "Stars and Reviews."   Today, it came up with 1,538 books to choose from. 

Today, if I turn off the "since last visit" filter, I have 4,148 books to choose from. 

I have my little quirks - NO werewolves and vampires, and very little fantasy and sci-fi (although I liked fantasy and sci-fi as a kid, I usually don't care much for it now).  I get lots of free cookbooks, Christian books, how-tos, business books, and novels.  These are modern books, not classics, but you can find and read a zillion classics at other sites, including Amazon.

What has this got to do with knitting?  Well, my Kindle reads to me, and I listen to it while I knit.  Machine knitting is noisy, so earbuds are very helpful.  I can knit a long time waiting to hear what will happen next!  I have also downloaded .mp3s from, which are audio books read by volunteer readers, generally very popular classics. 

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