Saturday, January 19, 2013

Twisty Fringe

After a very hectic week at work doing year-end closing tasks, I snoozed through an old movie, then went to bed for a long sleep. I woke several times during the night with knitting ideas.

This morning, John encouraged me to write them down.  One of them involved a twisted fringe.  I had been thinking about twisted fringe a while.  I like the looks of fringe, but it tends to get frayed quickly, and I don't like to use a finish on my knitted work that is bound to look scruffy soon.  Generally, twisted fringe holds up better that cut fringe.

I tried knitting it this morning and wasn't crazy about the original idea, but after a few tries, came up with this sample.  I have found an easy way to do this.  Here's a macro shot of my "play" sample, warts and all, made on  my mid-gauge.  Maybe I'll make a video.


  1. Please make a video! I would love to learn an easy way to make twisted fringe!!!

  2. Diana! I am so glad I am not the only one who dreams about knitting!

  3. excellant ! Great job to one of the best instructers
