Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vanda teaches us baby booties

Vanda has very cute little yellow booties in her post, and she also has a brief YouTube video showing how they were done.  You don't have to speak Italian to understand her nicely-done video, which illustrates sew-as-you-go so well:

I like doing booties. If you like this sort of pattern, I have some free patterns, for instance this one, at (the knitting club I belong to has a website).  Mine use the same general sew-as-you-go upper, but there are other things that are different.  There are just so, so many ways to do things:

That trim at the top is NOT crochet!  It's a slick trim I learned from Anne Bayes' book, "A New Concept in Baby Booties."   She's an Australian knitter who worked some amazing booties out for the KH910 Brother knitting machine, an incredibly inventive lady.  I don't know her and can't find her book for sale anywhere, but she gave a copy of her book to my friend.  My friend lent it to me and asked me to figure it out.  I studied the book, which was difficult since it was based on a machine I don't have access to any more.  I had so much fun once I understood her general concept that I made up several different booties incorporating my own ideas (like using the garter carriage for Quaker stitch) for the newer electronic machines. 
Sometimes I look at my collection of booties, tucked in a shoe box with tissue, and think about doing something similar for mukluks (no idea how to spell that word).  You know, warm, high-top slippers for us grown people.  Here's a muk luk slipper for sale at Nordstrom's, in case you need some warm-foot inspiration (it's a looong time 'til spring!


  1. Dear Diana,

    those booties are so lovely! I want to try to knit those, but the link on doesn't work...can you help me, please?
    Thank you so much.


  2. Try this

    1. Thank you, Diana...but the DAK-Files doesn't works...


  3. Right-click on the DAK file and choose "save target as," then save the file. Only DAK will open the file.

  4. Hi Diana. Hope you get this as it is now August 2016!
    I knit these cute booties long ago. I was trying to knit them today and find a long float that should not be there (on row 8 of the sole) and maybe other places. The directions call for casting on 64 stitches and knitting from there on 64 stitches, but the DAK stp and pat are for 62 stitches. This makes an extra stitch be selected on the end at various places. If you can fix this, I would appreciate it. Thanks.Rita

    1. Hi, Rita, I haven't changed the DAK pattern in all these years. I've knitted them quite a few times and never got an extra float. If I get a chance, I will try them again.
