Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Taking it on the road!

We finished packing for San Diego last night.  Leaving our son in charge here, John and I are going to visit family and then go to the seminar.  I'll teach a maching knitting seminar, and he'll be my faithful (and lovely, as magicians say) assistant.  This is a first for us, doing one of these together.

When I got all the stuff into our luggage for the seminar, John remarked that there wouldn't be much space for clothing.  I said, "It's always like that."  He said the big bag was too heavy already, and I better not put anything else in there.  He said he didn't think there was this much stuff.  I think I said "It's always like that" about four times and then belatedly had the good sense to shut up.  We are taking lots of handouts (there are 36 signed up for the seminar so far), lots of merchandise, lots of samples, microphone gear (because realistically, I need it with my little voice), my essential tools, and the usual clothing and toiletries for a trip. 

Then this morning as we dropped the last few items in, my new stupid line was, "Put this in.  It doesn't weigh very much."  Do you know what the sum total of a whole bunch of stuff, none of which weigh very much is, in a bag?  A very heavy bag.

I'm excited!  I haven't done a seminar in a little while and the San Diego organizers are a great group.  We get to visit family.  We had joked about getting away from Old Man Winter, but he hasn't really been around lately - it's beautiful here. 

I reworked the demos for the seminar to freshen them up.  I always customize them a little for a different group, based on what they tell me, but this time, I added some new things and dropped some old ones. 

This year, I'm trying to put up a new video on YouTube each month.  Hmm, don't hold me to it, but at least I have a start.  The twisted fringe demo was well-received in January, and February and March are already filmed and ready to put up.  Keep an eye on this space!

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