Saturday, March 9, 2013

Knit Natters Met Today

...and we had fun!

First of all, it's fantastic that Sylvia is serving as President.  She's lining up programs, refreshments, and planning our knit-ins for this year (we're knitting hats for charity in 2013).

Barbara did a Passap seamless hat with that in mind.  She gave us all detailed instructions.  She casts on and knits circular on every other needle, then after a while goes to all needles, which makes the gathered part at the top of the hat smoother.  These are doubled, lined hats, so you knit them like a torpedo shape - a tube that's smaller on both ends, then put one end inside the other.  The only real finishing is hiding a few ends.

I demonstrated the Easter bunnies I've been blogging about.  I was fairly organized with the bunny, making a blank, than making a marked blank, then marking a mostly-sewn blank so I could show the steps quickly.

After the bunny, I had brought a whole year's worth of Sunday funnies, which my husband John saved faithfully for our knit club so we could make funny-paper Easter baskets.  We used them all up, too, since we have a bigger group now.  I forgot to bring staplers and tape, but fortunately, the church lent us some supplies.  After two demos, not everyone was up for the rather frustrating job of weaving strips of newspaper, but some finished it and some took it all home to do.

We had "show and tell," and one big highlight was the gorgeous shawl Margareth made using a hand manipulated fan lace that Greta taught us last year.  Another amazing item was Pat's bobbin lace wire dragonfly, oh my!  I'm hoping my friends send me some pics that I can include in the blog (I am just not good about getting pictures on the same day that I teach).

My favorite thing today was seeing all the hats piling up for charity.  Mary is making an earflap hat she says came out of an old News and Views.  Sylvia is experimenting with all kinds of novelty yarns.  I had no idea you could get such long eyelash yarn through a bulky machine!  Again, wish I had pix.  Barbara is whipping out the Passap seamless hats.  I missed last month because I was in San Diego, but am happy to jump aboard this year's charity project. 

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