Sunday, May 12, 2013


The Knit Leader Course filled two DVDs.  First I filmed a cardigan sweater with fair isle, button bands (vertical rib), shoulder and armhole shaping, and inset pockets.  I wanted to get lots of techniques into the course, since I don't think there's all that much to using the Knit Leader.  (1)  Make an accurate gauge swatch, (2) Draw a good pattern, (3) Knit, following the line and realizing that one stitch or one row doesn't matter. 
However, it worked out that there was plenty of information to include in the course.  I put in a section on knitting bigger sizes, on making crafts, and doing bulky machine Knit Leader projects.  Since the cardigan was sedate in green, brown and beige, I added a wacky Knit Leader bulky intarsia project, my version of a sock monkey hat, inspired by the one the San Diego ladies taught me, but with double-lined earflaps and head, intarsia face, and shaping shortcuts.  Then I went back through everything to see what I missed, and decided the course needed to teach a curved hem, vertical dart, waistband, and bust darts, so I added those demos.
It was great fun until I started editing.  Now that I've suffered through the most difficult editing sessions ever, I broke down this weekend and bought a screaming fast, loaded computer.  I hope that helps!  The editing software really was too much for our old computer, which was quite powerful, but nothing gobbles up memory and processor like editing high-definition video.  I probably should have done this sooner. He set it up for me today, and now the question is whether I will adapt quickly to Windows 8.  John has promised to load Windows 7 instead if I hate Win 8. 
I put the general schedule up for Northern Virginia seminar last week, and am very excited.  The books are almost done, too.
Thanks, everyone, for the prayers for our family!  My husband and son returned from their very sad California visit (John's brother died a week ago).  I didn't go to California myself because it was too late - we didn't realize Tim was dying.  Steven, our son, was already there on vacation, and John flew there because he was worried about Tim's illness.  He didn't make it in time to say goodbye, but they both were able to help John's mom and sister for about a week. 
I had been very busy at work all week, and did CPA chapter things as well, including helping with a nonprofit seminar one evening that was the high point of my week.  Most of the people there were Austin Police Department Blue Santa volunteers.  They take Christmas to 3,500 needy families in our area.  I met Santa and Mrs. Claus and some inspiringly big-hearted officers.
I hope you had a very good Mother's Day, or your mom did!  The boys gave me cards, poetry, and flowers, and John installed my new computer, so it was a very nice day.  It was so good to talk to my incredible mother-in-law, Barbara, who is sounding good and holding up okay after her difficult, very sad week.  Thanks again for the prayers for the family.


  1. Windows 8 takes a little getting used to, but if you think of it like this, you'll be okay: The desktop works just like Windows 7 (Windows 8 was built on Windows 7). The Home Screen is like a tablet (iPad, Android, etc.), and you really won't use it very often (unless you like apps), except when you want to search for something (like Control Panel). You simply type. You won't see where you're typing, but your search will come up from there. It's usually best to move forward with an operating system, rather than backward because all future operating systems are based on previous ones. Good luck! (Note: If you have DAK 8 you'll need a special update from Softbyte's website to make it work. Just go to the site, click on Downloads, DK 8 Maintenance Updates, then scroll down to English (US) and click on that.)

  2. You've got me excited and dusting off my knit-leader, Diana. My prayers go out for your brother-in-law and your family.

    One question... I'm still having a problem with measuring the guage of a ribbed sample, though. Do I count just the stitches on the top (flat bead) or include the stitches on the bottom of the sample (the stitches off the ribber).

    God Bless!

  3. Thanks, Heidi! I'm going to take your advice piece by piece and get used to the new O/S. In addition, you answered one of my questions - would I be able to use DAK with it! There's an ancient computer in my knitting room that I am thinking of keeping JUST for DAK. Maybe I can get by with USB/serial adapters instead and use the new DAK with the new computer.

    Now off to try and install my video software.

  4. On the KnitLeader question, Sheri, here's how I do it. I use the numbers on the main bed needles as the ones I follow. For instance, full needle rib might have 59 stitches in a 30-stitch wide main bed sample because of the in-between needles, but I ignore them for the measurement and choosing the stitch scales. If I counted them, I wouldn't be able to follow the numbers.
