Friday, June 7, 2013

Knit Natters - Tomorrow

Some club members are meeting at the Tech Shop Maker's Fair tomorrow around 10, then some are going to lunch.  At 1 we'll meet at Crystal Lake Baptist Church in Leander, as usual.  Of course, everyone is welcome, and we have plenty of space at the church.

I'm unlikely to make the fair or lunch, as I have to get some things done in the morning.

I don't know what Barbara's teaching, but she has a demonstration for the Passap.  I'm going to teach the sew-as-you-go version of my tam.  I've taught the tam before, but that was before I began routinely putting them together as I knit the tops.

Our club continues on its hats for its current charity project, and I'll bring some hats I made along.

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