Saturday, September 28, 2013

Quick Updates

Last week, I taught at the Mahoning Valley Machine Knitting Seminar in Canfield, Ohio.  I had an absolutely marvelous, but FAST, weekend, flying up on Friday and back on Sunday afternoon and evening.  Whew!  I want to blog more about that seminar and about small clubs putting together good seminars.  For now, special thanks to the organizers, who were awesome, especially Karen, with whom I stayed in lovely, peaceful comfort, and the Larry and Cathy of Michigan, who came and ran my little business for the day, selling my books and DVDs!  I didn't have to give a thought to that, just teach, which is the big idea.

Then I went to work on Monday.  It's a busy time of year at work, and I worked on a big gala fundraiser Thursday.

'Long about Wednesday, I got grouchy, wondering how I'd possibly do my little part of the fundraiser competently.  Everything was fine, though, and Friday I spent most of the day doing the bookkeeping for the fundraiser, then came home a bit early and slept.  We watched on movie last night on Netflix, then slept a long time.

The exhaustion is over, and this morning, I feel a lovely rush of creativity and energy.

So, knitters, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth!  You should see more of me in these pages in the days to come.

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