Tuesday, December 3, 2013

GIVING TUESDAY - A Charity Near and Dear to My Heart

We had "Black Friday," "Cyber Monday," and today is "Giving Tuesday!"

I've never made an appeal like this, and this is mostly for local folks, but those of you who know me know that I work as a controller for a Boy Scout council.  My job is to make sure money is handled wisely, that overhead is kept to a minimum, and that donor gifts go to help children. 

I am especially proud that our council provides uniforms, supplies and excellent curricula to a lot of at-risk Central Texas kids whose families couldn't otherwise afford to participate.  I have personally talked to kids who got to hike Philmont because of Scouting, but whose families could never afford to take them to the country.  I shook hands with brothers who are now attending college, who didn't realize it was an option until getting information from their Scout leaders.  Tonight, I'll get to meet our latest local lifesaving Scout, a teen who provided critical first aid to a man injured in a terrible motorcycle wreck.

While all sorts of charities are asking you to give in December for a 2013 tax deduction, seriously consider Souting.  You can be confident that Scouting actually changes lives - permanently. 

Take part in #GivingTuesday by giving to a year-round program that changes kids’ lives for the better, and helps them succeed in life. Visit to learn more and give.

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