Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It happens...

I wanted the next blanket for the book knitted up in something vivid.  People are buying brighter colors for babies than they used to, using lots of funky fun colors.  I picked out a fairly intense candy pink and a variegated that goes with it.

Then, I sat down to knit the next blanket idea, and I knew from making swatches that I would not like it with my yarn.  Swatching really does save me a lot of heartache - it's so much better to find out before I do all the work! 

This variegated is changing colors constantly and has a very stripe-y look.  After that I tried another idea, and another idea, and another, none of which I liked with my yarn.

I think I finally have a winner - I'll keep you posted. 

At the same time, John and I are preparing for Spring Fling at Newton's Knits in Anaheim, California.  I am so excited!

1 comment:

  1. When using variegated yarn with repeat colour ways, colour patterning can sometimes mystically appear. This patterning can be in the form of argyle, stripes or checkerboard.

    This is not really a phenomenon; it is called ‘planned pooling’ and enables the control of the patterning.

    The key data required is:
    1. Number of colours
    2. Number of repeats of a colour
    3. Chosen tension for the yarn
    4. Number of stitches knitted in each colour or colour repeat
    5. Number of stitches per row*

    *The number of stitches per row determines how the colours will stack up and form a pattern when knitted on the next and subsequent rows.

    To do planned pooling an easy way, there is an online tool at

    Enter the colours or colour repeats and number of stitches knitted in that colour.
    More colours can be added or removed.

    Enter the number of stitches per row.
    This can be adjusted by changing the number of stitches per row until a pleasing pattern is achieved. Minor changes can be easily adjusted by using the ‘5 stitches shorter/1 stitch shorter’ tabs on the webpage.

    The results are shown in the graphical window.

    A perfect tool for cut & sew.

    (This is an extract from an article I have written for the Guild of Machine Knitters, UK)

