Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Quick Updates

Nope, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth!  Just busy...

Seminars:  I am teaching at Newton's Knits in March!  Also this spring, I'll be at the Spring Fling at the Knit Knack Shop in Indiana and Purls of Joy in Minnesota.  I have fresh curriculum written, and we're going to have a fabulous spring seminar season.  I'm really excited about doing different demos and going to some amazing seminars.  It's hard to describe the excitement of a really big seminar with multiple teachers...try it, you'll be amazed.  Besides, I've reached the point where I get to see people the second or third time as I travel around, and knitters are the best, most awesome people. 

In the fall I'm teaching at Fingerlakes MK seminar in upstate New York.  I haven't been there before, but it sounds like another fantastic larger seminar.

Knit Club:  Here in Central Texas, the Knit Natters are meeting Saturday.  If you are driving distance, why not come see us?  I plan to demonstrate one of my new baby blankets (not sure which one).  John is coming to replace some Passap console batteries for my friend.  Our newest knitter (I mean just learning to MK, not new to the area), Denise, is coming, and she has already worked through the beginner lessons! 

This Poor, Neglected Blog:  There are several blog posts I need to put together, a couple of them terrific ideas and projects from readers.  I haven't forgotten...

Projects in the Hopper:  I'm in a crazed-creative state.  I have lists and lists of MK ideas and am doing some knitting when I get in from work in the evenings (work is desperately busy just now).  A pile of baby blankets has formed on the couch...I had the right sort of yarns and my club is doing them, so off I went with that list of ideas.  I had other projects I ought to have worked on first, but I couldn't stop myself - it was like a maddening itch.  There's another idea underway on my machine right now, and I got a panel knitted tonight.  One panel to go, then some sewing on that one.

Okay - some photos of the blankets I've been doing.  Note I have several ripply things, including a scrappy one, but eventually I settled on one ripply stitch that I liked, which is in the blue/white samples. There's also a honeycomb stitch one in lavender, but I think it's too plain and plan to make it again with some color interest.


  1. Diana, you have to come to Australia.

    regards maggie

  2. Dear Diana, As I read your post I stopped and squealed with delight upon seeing you are going to teach at Newton's in March! I think my husband thought there was a rock star or dignitary coming to town as I carried on. I so admire your work, your teachings and all that you give to the machine knitting community. I'm a couple hours north of Newtons which is a short drive to attend your demonstration. Looking forward to seeing you! Hugs, Dawn Rene

  3. Well, you made my day! I love going to Southern California and seeing the family, and this seminar is going to be really fun. Come by & give me a real hug! Diana
