Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Super Project at Marzipan Knits

Felted mittens, complete with pattern over at Marzipan Knits:


  1. Mrs Sullivan

    I would really like to buy two of your books: enchanted edgings and the one with slipers. But I am not sure if I will be able to repeat your patterns, since my knitting machine is a elgin brother 840. Does your patterns are driven to this kind of machine?

    Best regards

    1. Something has happened to our web page! What a hassle! I will work on it asap. In the meantime, you can just send by PayPal with $3 shipping for the US and we'll figure it out and do just one order.

  2. I know the patterns will work on a Brother 840, but I don't know what an Elgin Brother 840 is. The Brother 840 that I am familiar with has a 24-stitch punch card patterning system, a lightweight, separate lace carriage that only has N and F settings on it. It's a 4.5 mm standard gauge machine.

    Slippers works with most machines, but the patterns are written for Brother. The Enchanted Edgings book is for Brother machines only, either punch card or electronic, and standard gauge only. These patterns will not work on Silver Reed, Studio, or Singer machines.

    1. Thank you for the answer. I also would like to buy the scarves book, but it does not seem to have a buttom to add cart. Is it out of stock? I´d be happy to purchase all the books together in order to have only one delivery. Thank you a lot
