Sunday, July 5, 2015

New Video for July - Hand Knitted Buttonholes

Yikes, I haven't written a blog post in a couple of weeks!  I've been madly busy:

I'm teaching in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania this month, and then in Monroe, Michigan!  I am so looking forward to these two seminars!  John and I will simply fly from one seminar city to the next this time.  I've been getting the handouts ready, the travel arrangements made, buying a new PA system, and all that jazz...

John and I also recently taken two weekends out of town.  One was to attend a Texas Society of CPAs meeting and visit with our older son and his wife, and the other was to go to some classes.

Poor homeless knitting machines have wandered into our house.  I have two 1970s Brother push button machines, one with a ribber, just sitting here, that were donated to our local club.  They need some testing and attention before they go back to the club, and then hopefully, find new homes.  In addition, there's a Brother 270 electronic bulky and a Brother 970 electronic standard gauge, and I need to buy parts for each of those two.  I walk by them and I think that I really should not take on all these projects. 

I put up the July video yesterday and then went off to picnic and watch fireworks. This month's video teaches my two favorite buttonholes to hand knitters.

It's amazing the number of buttonhole lessons out there that each a horizontal buttonhole right across vertical ribbing.  C'mon, knitters, try these instead - they look better!  These two buttonholes are easy, look terrific and blend into the texture of the knitting. 

The July YouTube piece has a little bit of material from my newest product, "Knitter's Finishing School," which is for all knitters who want their finished projects to look more professional. 

Want to see how to make that neat-as-a-pin vertical buttonhole on a knitting machine instead of pointy needles?  It's here:

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