Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New Website for Knit Natters (Austin Area Machine Knitting Club)

The Knit Natters machine knitting club, which is the club I attend (almost every month; I'm there and helping unless I'm on the road), has a very out-of-date website.  I just haven't been able to maintain it the last few years.  It's on an old, basic html-based platform and somebody has to work in that way to update it.  It takes me a long time to update it and fix things.

Yesterday, when we met, the ladies wanted to catch that thing up.  Nobody wanted to fiddle with the html (see, I'm not the only one).  So - Norma has a new blog for our club, here:

Norma is posting club pix, patterns, tips, and other share-able items from the club.  She's also posting meeting announcements and the like.  She's just begun, but there will be more material as time goes by.

Our club is having a baby hat knit-in in May; these items will go to a local charity that makes baskets for needy new moms.  We also are planning to have a seminar that I'll lead in August, and I hope to get some of the other local knitters to demo some of their best stuff (because the club has seen most of my stuff).  Non-members are welcome.  We also have a Yahoo group, knitnatters, that we use to communicate with our members, and we have people in that group who are not local and unable to attend. 

We are planning a seminar for the spring of 2017, and we will bring in an outside teacher.  I will provide details as I know more.

Also - any Passap knitters out there?  Barbara, my really, really good friend and favorite Passap maven, teaches Passap E6000 lessons at almost every meeting.  Our club is one of the few that has a Japanese machine demo and a Swiss machine demo at nearly every meeting.

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