Friday, January 1, 2016

Start the New Year Right - A New Video!

Happy New Year! 

First thing I accomplished this year, after sleeping in and having a nice breakfast, was upload a new video.  John upgraded our bandwidth, and oh, that made it so easy and fast to do the upload.

I have a BUNCH of videos ready to go for 2016!  This one was my demonstration at Knit Natters recently.  I mailed one to our Barbara (John's 90-year-old mom, who rescues animals and is going strong).  Barbara likes soft but warm hats for her early morning dog walks, and she said she just loves this one.  One went to Steven's girlfriend, as well, and I also sized this down to a child's size for a girlfriend at Knit Natters.  (She was planning to make it for a little girl and her doll, and I can't wait to see that.) 

A couple hats are pictured here, but somehow in the Christmas hubbub, I didn't photograph the ones I gave away, which were my favorites.  I didn't sew the flower into a circle on those, which gives more of a crewel look, and I used an unusual yarn for one of them.  If Barbara can email me a photo, I'll share that.

I think that if you stick to a soft yarn, this would make a decent chemo hat, for those of you who collect and knit those patterns.  It's fluffy, not flat, feminine and gently warm.  I used sport weight yarn on the Brother 270 (bulky).

What fascinates me about this technique is that it's double English rib.  That is, do you see how there are TWO needles tucking next to each other?  Guess what, you can get away with this! 

Now it's 2016, I've got New Year's Day off, and time's a-wasting.  I'm going to go knit - hope you can find knitting time, too!

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