Saturday, January 23, 2016

Would anyone like to guest blog?

I was reading another blog, and the person said they didn't need any guest bloggers.

Well - if you'll write about machine knitting and it's a pretty good post (especially with pictures), send it to me!  I love to link to other people's MK work, and I'd love to have some guest bloggers to keep this space interesting.  My primary goal here is to promote machine knitting, not to promote any so bring it on.

I'm not going to run something that's just an ad for somebody's business.  But if it's a story about your experiences in MK, cool.  Fixing a machine.  Doing an unusual project.  Building a club.  Bring it on!

No, you don't need to be an expert.  I'd love to see some articles about being a beginner and getting started, and tips for that stage in the craft.  Or articles about little breakthroughs in your development.  Or notes about how you just do things differently.

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