Monday, March 27, 2017

Hello! I'm back!

If I owe you an email or if you're just wondering about me being MIA the last few days, well, we took a vacation and cruised with old friends.

OLD friends!  We went to each other's weddings!  We camped together, two families with two boys each!.  Their adult sons came along on the cruise, and it was wonderful to get to know them and their wives as adults.  Our boys didn't come - one had to work, and the other has a sweetie who gets very seasick.

This was great fun, but now I have to get back to the real world and off Island Time.  I'm in the final run-up to teaching at the Knit Knack Shop's annual Spring Fling.  If you have never gone, you really ought to go over to and read about it.  As knitting seminars go, this is one of the very best!  Barbara Deike (my Passap wizard friend) is coming along to help me out, and I love to travel with her.

Meanwhile, at work, we're being audited this week.  After we catch our breath from that, we're being audited again (a different kind of audit).  I've done this a long time, but I still get anxious.  I want everything to be fine, but we have so much accounting to do, and just two of us, that we're always finding and fixing mistakes in our own work, let alone having it examined by outsiders.

Gotta run and answer some more of those emails.

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