Sunday, November 12, 2017

New Video - Backstitch Ribbing Bind-Off

Wow!  I've taught five seminars this year, all wonderful, and took two other personal trips besides.  I'm not teaching again in 2017, am home from San Diego, and determined to get organized.

John and I met absolutely wonderful people at the 2017 seminars, were spoiled rotten by our amazing hostesses (and hosts, can't leave the guys out), and I certainly hope the folks who had us come have some small understanding of how grateful I am and how much I appreciate them.  The knitters were so awesome - everywhere I went, I picked up more ideas and inspiration. 

I realized I didn't have a November video up yet, so I just put up the first of several ribbing bind-offs.  Of course, I'm a big fan of the "smiles and frowns" ribber bind off, which I teach quite often and is already at YouTube, here:

For today's new video, I found this very unusual ribbing bind-off in a old, yellowed knitting magazine's instructions.  What kind of nut reads abbreviated, fine-print knitting instructions for fun?  I'm that kind.  I find great ideas in old magazines and scribbled in messy old notebooks.

This is an interesting technique because it's very stretchy, and it just looks unusual, with its purl-ish bumps all around.  I found it quite easy to do and to sew evenly.

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