Saturday, February 3, 2018

Thanks, Jane, for the YouTube Video Captions!

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to announce that a great many of my videos are now captioned!  Linda M, my friend, remember telling me (among many other people) that it's difficult to hear what I'm saying in those things?  I have a small voice and I'm looking at the machine and even mumbling, at times.

I captioned a few of the videos myself, but it takes tons of time.  I've tried the automatic captions, and they produce perfectly amusing nonsense.  The voice recognition stuff YouTube has might work great if the video is about a cat, but they can't speak knitting lingo.  They've called a stitch all sorts of things!

YouTube has come out with a community approach to the problem, and I announced it and asked for help. We are much stronger together, and there's a goal here:  to get more people machine knitting, and mastering the craft, finding it fun and enjoyable.  Once someone learns the basics well, it has become an incredible platform for creativity. 

Jane Raddatz to the rescue!  She has closed captions so many videos that I've lost count!  She has worked away at it for quite a while, and I think the videos are greatly enhanced.  She's good at it, too, giving great attention to detail to get it exactly right.  I know from YOUR emails that this is needed and is truly going to make it much easier for many people to learn to machine knit.  If you're having trouble hearing, or you're just wondering what the heck I said because I didn't speak clearly, give the captioned videos a try. 

My husband and I have closed captions on movies we watch at home whenever we can.  He has trouble hearing.  While I have no hearing loss, I've found that old movies have much clearer dialogue on their sound tracks.  It's a change in acting style toward realism, but there are times - really! - when the hero says something critical, and we've had to run it back several times and then we still didn't know what he said. 

Here's one of the videos with captions:

Thank you, Jane, and thanks again! 


  1. How helpful! Thank you Diana and also Jane. Just the ticket to watch and listen (including the closed captions) on a wet Saturday afternoon in the UK. Valerie

  2. Thank you so much for the closed captioning, it takes a lot of the guess work out of your videos for me. I usually have to run them 2 or 3 time to really get it. Thanks again. Elsa

  3. Also a non-related question I have been searching for the answer to for a long, long time. I have a Brother 260, what is the "sub take-up spring" used for??? Thank you for any answer :), Elsa T
