Sunday, June 3, 2018

New Video for June - Smiles and Frowns with Waste 1x1 Rib

Oh, you're got to look at this one!  Wouldn't you like to be able to put a beautiful "smiles and frowns" cast-off on knit one, purl one ribbing without having the circular waste yarn rows at the end?  This cast-off looks just like the cast-on, and it's VERY professional-looking, as well as stretchy and sturdy. 

This is exactly the situation you find yourself in if you make circular sock machine socks toes first and end on ribbing, then crank on a few rows of waste yarn.  I usually do mine that way, and I've tried every bind off and crochet stitch I could possibly conceive.  Victory at last - this is such a stretchy bind-off that it's perfect for sock cuffs which must stretch and bounce back.

Please forgive me for being so quiet lately!  I'd blog more if I weren't so unbelievable busy.  I recently returned from Pacifically Passap, Pat Groves' wonderful knitting seminar in Oregon.  I taught, hung out with some of my favorite knitters, and met some wonderful knitters for the first time.  John and I had a marvelous time in and around Portland, as well, enjoying both the city and the amazing scenery in the Columbia River area. 

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