Sunday, February 3, 2019

New Video Today - Tuck Mosaic

For February, the new video is about tuck mosaic, also called two color tuck stitch.  

I had a great time working with this particular tuck mosaic pattern.  The strong graphic design is quite striking, especially if you use a self-striping yarn with a solid color.

How about a placemat?

Tuck Mosaic Placemat

By Diana Sullivan

This will make a placemat.  You will find the stitch creates a relatively flat fabric with little edge roll, a pretty side edge, a lot of thickness and warmth, and a wide piece compared to slip mosaic.  It’s a very suitable fabric for garments, blankets, and household items.

Note that mosaic stitches, or two-color tuck and slip, have a different look than the diagram.  Here’s the diagram for this stitch:


Machine:  Brother 270

Yarn:  I used Caron Cakes along with I Love this Yarn in the white, but I want to try this with scraps or yarn that changes color more often.

Program the machine for pattern 146.  No variation keys.  Turn the center black piece in each of the pink cams on the bottom of the carriage so that end needles will ALWAYS select.

Needle arrangement:  Left 20 to right 21.  Set tension to #6.

Cast on with waste yarn and knit a few rows, then a row of ravel cord.  Change to darker yarn.  Knit 3 rows.  Turn tension dial up to #10 and knit a row.  Turn tension back to 6.  Knit 3 rows.  Pick up hem.

Turn the row counter to 000.  Turn on KC.

Thread with white.  Knit 1 row.  Needles will select.  Put in both tuck buttons.  Knit 2 rows.

Take out white yarn and “park” it under the end of the needle bed.  Put in color yarn.  Knit 2 rows.

Continue to knit 2 rows white, then 2 rows colored yarn, until row counter 84.  You should end with 2 rows white.

Turn off patterning.  Knit 1 more row white.  Thread colored yarn, knit 3 rows.  Turn tension up to 10, knit 1 row.  Turn tension back to 6, and knit 3 rows. 

Knit several rows of waste yarn in a contrasting color.  Cut yarn, leaving a long tail for sewing.  Sew the hem shut with a whip stitch through the bottom and top loops of each hem stitch.

Block lightly.

Edit:  I've added the chart, in case you don't have a copy of that Stitch World book.

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