Saturday, July 10, 2021

New Video - How to use the Weave-R on your LK150

Kris at Kris Krafter has a new goodie - it's a weaving arm for LK150 (also LK100 and LK140).  This is for these Studio plastic bed machines, only.

I have a new video showing how to use it.  It's a very nice accessory.  Kris has them available at  

I think you'll enjoy weaving!  For one thing, it makes a wider piece of knitting than plain stockinette.  It has a really different look.  It eliminates most curl along the sides.  Also, it's a more substantial, warmer piece of fabric.

In the video, I promised to share some weaving charts that use just 8 stitches in width.  Why 8 stitches?  Well, the Needle Beetle does 8-stitch pattern needle section on these machines, and in the video, I'm using it for some cute counted patterns.  I've tested these charts and tweaked them until I am satisfied that they make attractive designs.  Two of the charts, Pull Up 1 and Pull Up 2, are pull-up designs, and I show how to do that in the video.  On the chart, the X marks the spot (well, the needle) you'll put the loops onto before you knit the pull-up row.  

Note that I'm numbering the stitches from right to left, because the Needle Beetle goes from right to left and we pick out the first 8 needles on the right.  Why not count from right to left every time?

I numbered the rows from bottom to top, and of course, you'll knit them from bottom to top, repeating the marked number of rows.  I keep my place with a Post-It note.

Check out books and magazines for more weaving designs and ideas. 

In the video, I demonstrate the first, second, third and fourth designs, working down the left-hand side of the charts.  After you play with these, you'll probably have ideas for more designs.  

Tips about weaving:

1. Swatch first!  I know, I always say this... but it works out that some yarns work great for weaving yarns and others simply don't cooperate.  There are lots of yarns that work for weaving and won't go through your machine as regular knit stitches, but some yarns just don't weave well.  Besides, you'll want to inspect the color contrast and see how puffy the yarn is against the background yarn.
2.  Pull the weaving yarn down a little as you begin across with the weaving tool.
3.  Do you need to rip out?  It rips out like regular stockinette.  First work the weaving yarn out of the needles, then rip the row of knitting.
4.  Do you need to re-weave the row because the Weave-R didn't catch every spot?  This happens to me when I forget to pull down.  First, make sure all the stitches are in the latches, and then do the needle selection and weaving again.

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